Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Molly moves to geno city,with victor newman

Molly,is driven in Victor Newman's very long Strechlimo to Geno City,Victor Newman and his beauitful wife,Nikki Reed, who used to a stripper, is a now works at the very famous Geno City fashion world company,where molly can wear fur coats, corsets and make millions of dollars and diamonds,Victor Newman bought Molly a $200,000 condo in Geno City, to live,Molly brought her dogs franics ,sully and georgie with her.
Victor Newman will fix molly up, with his very rich son named Nicholas Newman,who just dumped his beauiful rich girl friend for molly.
Nicholas Newman Lives at the Newman ranch.
Victor Newman's friend named Gordon Gekko who is vacation from new york city, plans visit his very rich friends named Victor Newman and his beaitful wife Named Nikki REED AT his fancy house, in downtown Gino city, where the police department is very help full to him.
Molly's Former boyfriend named Jeff is still going out with beaitful Hilary Duff, back in Dallas,tx, they might be planing to get married to each other ,real soon.
Molly's friends,Megan,Terri and Rachel and her older sister named Nicole plan to visit molly, in Geno City.

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